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Black Crawling Systems Archive Release 1.0 (L0pht Heavy Industries, Inc.)(1997).ISO
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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 4 Num. 01
("Quid coniuratio est?")
>From *The New Federalist*, Feb. 13, 1995
By Edward Spannaus
Feb. 7 (EIRNS) -- Oliver North's deep involvement in illegal
drug-smuggling and gun-running -- which was highlighted during
last fall's election campaign -- is again drawing attention.
Ollie claimed during the Virginia Senatorial campaign that he was
the "most investigated man on this planet." So far, he hasn't
been, not by a long shot, but it could still happen, if some
people get their way.
It is widely known that a major exposure of the 1980s Mena, Ark.
gun-running and drug-running operation is in the works {1}, an
exposure which will hit Ollie North very hard. The story was,
until recently, scheduled to run in the Washington Post, and was
reportedly killed {2} after many weeks of review by that
newspaper's editors, but informed sources in Washington expect
that it will soon be published in another location.
While many want to portray the Mena story as a piece of the
Whitewater scandals being run against President Clinton, the
truth is that Clinton has little to do with it." {3}.
The real scandal of Mena centers around Ollie North and George
Bush. The Mena airfield in western Arkansas was one of many
locations used for drug-running operations which involved Ollie
North's Contra networks in Central America. North's supervision
of a massive drug-smuggling operation run by Contra operatives
was exposed during last fall's election campaign by former Drug
Enforcement Administration agent Celerino Castillo {4} and
others; Castillo showed, for example, that all of North's pilots
flying out of the Ilopango military airfield in El Salvador were
documented to be drug-traffickers.
One of the key operatives in Arkansas for Ollie North's Contra
apparatus was Larry Nichols {5}, who is now going around the
country threatening President Clinton {6} and peddling Whitewater
stories. {7}. It was because Nichols was spending state time and
money working with Oliver North and the Contras, that Clinton
fired him from an Arkansas state job in 1988. {8}. Nichols was in
regular contact with Nicaraguan Contra leaders such as Mario and
Adolpho Calero in New Orleans, and with Gen. Richard Secord, who
ran the Contra re-supply operation for North and George Bush.
Yes, George Bush. Contrary to the myths about "Iran-Contra" being
run by a lone Lt. Colonel out of the National Security Council,
the truth is that these and many other, less well-publicized,
dirty and illegal covert operations were run out of the office of
Vice President George Bush while Ronald Reagan was President; the
"Contra" operation, for example, including especially guns and
drugs, was directed from the Vice President's office and was
supervised by Bush's national security adviser and former CIA
colleague, Donald Gregg.
-+- Ollie's Drug Depot -+-
The controversial Mena article which the Washington Post has
refused to run, was co-authored by former National Security
Council official Roger Morris and investigative reporter Sally
Denton, and is based on more than 2,000 documents concerning
Barry Seal, a major drug-runner and DEA/CIA informant who was
shot to death in 1986.
Seal operated out of the Mena airfield in western Arkansas from
1981 to 1986, flying guns out and drugs in. The documents
utilized by Morris and Denton in their article include Seal's
bank records, telephone records, and personal correspondence and
diaries, as well as extensive law-enforcement records.
The Seal records confirm what is already well-known: that Mena
was being used to fly weapons into Central America, and that
drugs were brought back on the return flights. All of the
numerous efforts to investigate the Mena operation during the
Reagan and Bush administrations were blocked on "national
security" grounds.
These dirty operations were run out of Bush's office under the
nominal authority of National Security Decision Directives Nos. 2
and 3, issued early in the Reagan administration. Out of these
came the Special Situation Group (SSG), headed by the Vice
President; and then came the Crisis Pre-Planning Group, an inter-
agency coordinating body whose staff coordinator was Oliver
North. Under NSDD-2 and NSDD-3, George Bush was in charge of the
entire "secret government" apparatus -- which not only ran covert
operations overseas, but also against U.S. citizens at home.
This was the true story of "Iran-Contra," which was never
investigated either by Congress or by Special Prosecutor Lawrence
Walsh. Now, with new evidence about Mena circulating, and in the
aftermath of North's failed Senate campaign, there is a climate
building which could finally result in the first full
investigation of the crimes of George Bush and his flunky, Oliver
North. {9}.
--------------------------<< Notes >>----------------------------
{1} "It is widely known that a major exposure of the 1980s Mena,
Ark. gun-running and drug-running operation is in the works..."
See, for example, *The Spotlight*, Feb. 20, 1995, p. 11:
Skolnick said the Clintons are on a collision course with
their "upcoming downfall," and cited numerous reasons for it,
including the "singing" of Webster Hubbell, prosecutors
wanting to open a Vince Foster case and testimony from
Chicago about a "missing $47 million" that once belonged to
the Resolution Trust Corporation.
{2} "...scheduled to run in the Washington Post, and was
reportedly killed..." See, for example, *The London Sunday
Telegraph*, Jan. 29, 1995, "Arkansas Drug Expose Misses the
{3} "...the truth is that Clinton has little to do with it."
*Relatively* little would be more accurate. Clinton and the gang
profited enormously, according to Sherman Skolnick and others.
For a good look at Clinton's Arkansas, see "The Name of Rose" by
L.J. Davis, *The New Republic*, April 4, 1994.
{4} Expose of drug-smuggling run by Contra operatives. See, for
example, Conspiracy Nation, Vol. 2, Num. 53, and Vol. 2, Nums.
{5} Regarding the *New Federalist* allegations on Larry Nichols:
unsubstantiated. If *New Federalist* has evidence, let's see
and/or hear it.
{6} Regarding the *New Federalist* allegations that Nichols is
going around the country threatening President Clinton: that is
ridiculous. It is against the law to threaten the President (or
anyone). If Nichols were doing what *New Federalist* is saying,
he would have long since been visited by the Secret Service.
{7} Regarding the *New Federalist* allegations that Nichols is
"peddling Whitewater stories": Nichols has stated time and again
that he makes no profit from his "Whitewater stories". Also,
LaRouche, if you're out there and if the Vatican will let you
respond, are the following persons *also* "peddling Whitewater
a) Pat Matrisciana, Citizens for Honest Government;
b) Judge Jim Johnson: "My God, Larry Nichols was right.";
c) Mrs. Jerry Parks: "What Jerry had in those files could
have unseated this President.";
d) Gary Parks: "I have no doubt that Clinton himself, or
people behind Clinton, had my father murdered.";
e) Officer John Brown, retired police officer involved in
investigating the Henry/Ives death case.;
f) Scott Wheeler, reporter and talk show host;
g) Authors Terry Reed and John Cummings;
h) *Many* others.
{8} Regarding *New Federalist's* claim that Clinton fired Nichols
for working with North and the Contras: *that* is ridiculous.
Nichols, in fact, was threatening to blow the whistle on Clinton
and the gang. For further details on the whole rotten mess, see,
for example, *Compromised* by Terry Reed and John Cummings -- a
book, by the way, that *New Federalist* has praised highly.
{9} "...a climate building which could finally result in the
first full investigation of the crimes of George Bush, etc." With
a Republican Congress, the Republicans are gonna let Bush and his
gang get investigated?? I have major doubts.
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Brian Francis Redman bigxc@prairienet.org "The Big C"
Coming to you from Illinois -- "The Land of Skolnick"
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